Besides reinforcing the connection by odor to the other ants in the colony, are the groomers deriving some other benefit from their actions? I have to wonder if the exudate from the groomed ants tastes good and therefore reinforces the grooming behavior.

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Well, that's possible, but we have no way of asking ants how something tastes, and whether they like it and find it reinforcing.

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when do they apply the deodorant? just asking.

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Since they live in a world of smell, why would they want to? Just sayin'.

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Too interesting! And nice new words I’ve never encountered….

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Absolutely fascinating. How do ants deal with surfaces that are "sticky" enough such that even one leg stuck can immobilize the whole ant? What if her sisters come upon such a stuck ant?

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Ants can indeed become hopelessly stuck, but if you watch ants, they are pretty careful. Oily things are dangerous to insects because it can wet their waxy cuticle, and in extreme cases, clog their spiracles and asphyxiate them. Ants do sometimes rescue nestmates, for example, in case of burial during a collapse.

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